Day One: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
10:00 EST
10 minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chairs
Ajay K. Sood, Regional Vice President, Country Manager, Armis
10:10 EST
60 minWhy Organizations Should Consider Adopting Agile, DevOps and Cloud
Paul Girard, Executive Director and Chief Information Officer, Treasury Board Secretariat
11:10 EST
20 minBreak
11:30 EST
60 minTransforming Data and Analytics in Ontario’s Social Services: A Five-Year Retrospective
Learn about the multi-year journey of the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and its cultural and organizational transformation to enhance how data and analytics inform social policy planning and service design and delivery. A number of strategic data activities and case studies will be presented, as well as lessons learned in executing an enterprise data and analytics strategy in the midst of a transformative ministry agenda, demonstrating how MCCSS:
- Implemented a data strategy and a new organizational model to better deliver analytics in supporting decision-making
- Designed modern data governance and analytics infrastructure to improve data quality and access
- Co-led efforts to introduce new Ontario legislation to enable ministries to integrate data, as well as developing partnerships across governments and partners and answer large social policy questions
- Used collaborative, agile processes to better and more quickly serve business needs, including in response to COVID-19
12:30 EST
60 minBreak
13:30 EST
60 minRemote Sensing for Large Animal Detection in St. Lawrence
- Remote Sensing / Image Classification / Object Detection description
- Transport Canada Whale Detection project description
- Project phase 1 applications with Kaggle Dataset
- Project phase 2 applications with TC dataset
- The challenges of Transport Canada dataset
- Current model performances
- How to improve the performances / image transformations and filtering
- What are we doing currently and what we will do in the future
14:30 EST
60 minPredictive Targeting for Regulatory Enforcement
Carlos Jabour, Senior Data Scientist, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Applying a risk-based methodology: propensity and impact of noncompliance
- Linking historical compliance records to intradepartmental, interdepartmental and external datasets
- Modelling drivers of noncompliance over time
- Applying Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches for predictive targeting
- Field testing model results
15:30 EST
15 minBreak
15:45 EST
60 minDeveloping an Information Strategy for Effective Data Governance and Performance Management
- Understand the key elements that conform an effective Information Strategy within the public sector
- Identify the common challenges we need to address when managing Big Data
- How to align an organization’s data with the organization’s strategic objectives
- Understand what constitutes effective data governance and how it can be implemented within the public sector
- Identify and avoid common pitfalls in data analysis
16:45 EST
Closing Remarks from the Chairs
Ajay K. Sood, Regional Vice President, Country Manager, Armis
Day Two: Wednesday, November 25, 2020
10:00 EST
10 minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chairs
Ajay K. Sood, Regional Vice President, Country Manager, Armis
10:10 EST
60 minImproving the Timeliness, Localness, and Granularity of Labour Market Information with Web Scraped Data
Anthony Mantione, Senior Economist, Labour Market Information Council
- Understand the role of labour market information (LMI) in making career, training, and education related decisions
- Appreciate the controversy surrounding skills shortages in Canada
- Learn about the current strategies using web scraped data to identify the skills needed by Canadians to succeed in the changing workforce
- Discover what the federal government is doing to help improve the discussion surrounding skills training and development in Canada
- Understand the importance of data transparency
11:10 EST
20 minBreak
11:30 EST
60 minFrom Data to Decision Making during Uncertainty: Seconds Count
- Unprecedented urgency for decision support tools: Climate change vs predictive weather forecast (BC Wildfire Case Study)
- Choosing the right decision framework based on complexity theory: uncomplicated data does not address complicated problems
- From data to prediction ensuring your data is applicable: could you be dangerously making inferences on base data
- From prediction to modeling: trying my decision before applying my decision
- From modeling to evidenced based decision making
12:30 EST
60 minBreak
13:30 EST
60 minWho’s Afraid of Unmanaged Devices?
Ajay K. Sood, Regional Vice President, Country Manager, Armis
- We all have seen the statistics about the growth of unmanaged devices, sometimes called the “Enterprise of Things”. This includes building management systems (lighting, cooling), security systems (cameras, badge readers), office equipment (smart TVs, headsets, phones, printers), and specialized devices used in environments such as retail, manufacturing and healthcare
- Is it time to worry about these devices from a security perspective? Can attackers use these devices to undermine our carefully constructed cyber defenses? If so, what kind of defenses do we need that we don’t already have?
- This presentation will explore the realities of Enterprise of Things devices, including their inherent security weaknesses and the attacks that are currently targeting them. Some common-sense models of security will then be proposed that could help mitigate the security risks
14:30 EST
60 minBuilding a Data Science Capacity in the Healthcare sector
Saad Rais, Senior Manager, Health Data Science, Ontario Ministry of Health
- Overview of data science and analytics
- Applications in healthcare
- Priorities in capacity building
- Use cases
- Challenges
15:30 EST
15 minBreak
15:45 EST
60 minOur Journey: Data and Analytics Strategy at a Central Bank
Erik Balodis, Program Director, Enterprise Data & Analytics Strategy, Bank of Canada
- The Bank of Canada is keenly aware of the rapid pace of change of the Canadian economy, and we understand the value of improved data and analytics to improve policy, research and business decision making
- In 2018, we set out to capture a data and analytic strategy that would meet the evolving needs of Bank staff, and of Canadians. This strategy had to address a range of data maturity levels, and was finalized in 2019.
- Over the last 18 months, we’ve made significant progress to drive change across the Bank’s people, processes, and technologies; all with the objective of strengthening our data foundation, and improving our ability to undertake advanced data work.
- COVID-19 has provided a new backdrop to our strategic efforts, and has placed an emphasis on digital transformation and the data capabilities that support our digital ambitions
- This talk will discuss our journey, where we’ve made progress, and where we’ve encountered challenges.
16:45 EST
Closing Remarks from the Chairs
Ajay K. Sood, Regional Vice President, Country Manager, Armis