Marcia Edgar

Marcia’s passion for Occupational health and Safety was ignited early and has carried her throughout a 30 year career. With experience in both the private sector and in the public service, Marcia has a tri-partite view, while firmly focussed on protecting workers. A past member of FETCO, Marcia was drawn to the work of the Labour Program while working on various regulatory amendments and new regulations. When the opportunity to move the Labour Program was presented, Marcia jumped and has never looked back.

Marcia’s current position in the Labour Program is as Manager, Occupational Health and Safety Compliance and Operations, where she plays a key role in promoting compliance and the interpretation of the Canada Labour Code, Part II, and the many pursuant regulations. Her team has a wide range of responsibilities including providing technical oversight and participating on CSA technical committees, developing and publishing all Interpretation, Guidance and Policy (IPG) documents, all OHS web content of the LP webpages, developing operational guidelines for the inspectorate, and meeting all the day to day needs and requests of inspectors/officers, stakeholders and senior management in the field of OHS.