Day One: Tuesday, February 8, 2022
10:00 EST
15 minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
10:15 EST
45 minUnpacking Intersectionality
Karen Craggs-Milne, Head of Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, ThoughtExchange
The Government of Canada has mandated for all agencies to apply Gender Based Analysis plus to programs and policies. Intersectionality is a term we are hearing and using more and more and yet there is still confusion around what it means and more importantly, how we go about putting it into practice.
In this session Karen, who is a globally recognized GBA+ expert and has applied GBA+ in a wide range of sectors and contexts, will provide an overview of the origins and meaning of intersectionality, why it is important to programming and policy and what good practice looks like.
11:00 EST
45 minIntersecting identities Panel Discussion
Moderator: Karen Craggs-Milne, Head of Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, ThoughtExchange
Odelia Bay, Doctorate Student, Osgoode Hall Law School
Richard Sharpe, Director, Equity, Anti-racism, Diversity and Inclusion, Department of Justice Canada
- Insights from plus communities impacted by policies, legislation, regulation, projects and other initiatives
- How different communities are impacted in different ways
- Examples where local, provincial or federal governments have developed policy without input from diverse communities
- Questions that policy makers should be asking of those with intersecting identities and how those questions should be asked
11:45 EST
45 min12:30 EST
60 minBreak
13:30 EST
45 minGBA Plus as a Tool to Advance Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) Across Federal Granting Agencies
In this presentation, Karine Morin will highlight the Tri-Agency EDI Action Plan, and the agencies’ efforts to provide fair access to research support and promote equitable participation in the research system. She will highlight the use of GBA Plus to advance these efforts, including self-identification data collection.
14:15 EST
45 minGBA+ Considerations for 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities
Colin Druhan, Executive Director, Pride at Work Canada / Fierté au travail Canada
- Areas where individuals consistently experience challenges
- How to identify and address data gaps
- Nuances of consultation – what methods work better than others for the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community?
- What happens when 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals are not considered in developing policy?
- Broad benefits of inclusion in policy and program development
15:00 EST
15 minBreak
15:15 EST
45 minThe Role of Parliament in Gender Responsive Budgeting
GBA+ is part of a wider set of measures known as gender-responsive budgeting. While the executive branch has a role to play in implementing GRB throughout the four stages of the budget process, so does parliament. This presentation will focus on how governments and parliaments can be involved in GRB across the budget cycle, focusing on international best practices.
16:00 EST
End of Day One
Day Two: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
10:00 EST
15 minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
10:15 EST
45 minEvaluating GBA+
- The articulation of GBA Plus (GBA+) as a federal government priority in the Policy on Results (TBS, 2016) and accompanying guidance materials;
- The importance of integration of GBA+ by the evaluation and performance measurement functions and contextualization of doctoral research which included a survey of the Heads of Evaluation (HoE), key informant interviews, targeted review of government authored resources linking GBA+ and evaluation, and case studies;
- The necessary conditions that extend across awareness of programs/organizations of the requirement to integrate GBA+, the reach of stakeholders promoting this message and the consideration of equity-seeking groups, resulting capacity changes and the benefits accrued;
- The complex configurations present within federal government organizations as they integrate GBA+ within their unique contexts; and
- Some of the shortcomings of GBA+ as an approach given world events emphasizing the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion.
11:00 EST
45 minGBA+ at City of Edmonton
- Edmonton’s approach to GBA+
- The tool used
- How support is structured across the City to embed GBA+throughout the organization
- Examples of successful GBA+ application
11:45 EST
45 minInsights on the Impact of Racism on First Nations Women
Stephanie Moses Feletto, Consultant
Cindy Woodhouse, Regional Chief of Manitoba, Assembly of First Nations
- Areas where individuals experience challenges
- Problematic policies and programs – questions that were not asked
- Assumptions that should not be made
- How to identify and address data gaps
- Nuances of consultation – what methods work better than others for First Nations Women
- Broad benefits of inclusion in policy and program development
12:30 EST
60 minBreak
13:30 EST
45 minClimate Change, Intersectionality and GBA+ in B.C.
- Applying the GBA+ lens to see how considerations of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, age and mental and physical ability intersect to influence how different populations in B.C are affected by climate change
- Addressing people’s diverse social identities and complex living realities
- Role of structural forces in reproducing discriminatory policies, practices etc. that lead to marginalization
- Asset based capacity building
- Impact of housing, mental and physical health, wildfire smoke, extreme heat
- Gender based violence and safety
- Economic livelihoods
- Food security
14:15 EST
45 minPay Equity: Impact on GBA+
- Pay equity as a tool for economic recovery
- Pay equity issues for women with intersectional backgrounds, with a focus on gender identity issues
15:00 EST
15 minBreak
15:15 EST
45 minWrap Up, Take-aways and Q & A
16:00 EST
End of Day Two