Day One: Tuesday, February 28, 2023
10:30 EST
15 minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
10:45 EST
60 minSt. Theresa Point First Nation Housing Story
Raymond Flett, Housing Authority Board Member, St. Theresa Point First Nation Housing Authority
The session will provide participants with a broad perspective of St Theresa Point First Housing Program and its challenge to provide adequate housing. The story is important to pass on to the general society about the challenges that the first nation encounters. Hopefully, in this session we will be able to start pointing in the right direction to find suitable solutions in developing adequate housing for the first nation. St Theresa Point First Nation is a remote first nation accessible by air 10 months of the year and approximately 2 months of ice road in the winter season.
11:45 EST
60 minUrban Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy. Developed by AHMA
Cliff Grant, Director, Strategic Relations, Aboriginal Housing Management Association
- A look at the Indigenous housing sector in BC – “changing landscapes” in policies and politics
- A review of AHMA’s URN Indigenous Housing Strategy for BC
- AHMA’s participation with the new National URN Indigenous Housing Coalition
- A look at AHMA’s Asset Strategies approach
12:45 EST
45 minBreak
13:30 EST
60 minHow We Can Do Better: Inaccessible Housing, Stigma, Inequality and the Apprehension of Indigenous Children
Tayzia Trea StormHunter, Training and Development Manager, Fishing Lake First Nations
Marcia Halfe, Executive Director, Fishing Lake First Nations, Saskatchewan
14:30 EST
60 minThe Importance of Community Collaboration to End Homelessness
- With the complex issues around housing and homelessness, community collaboration is essential to close the gaps and work on key areas to resolve them.
- Why the police need to be involved in the battle to end homelessness.
- The impact of mental health on communities and why it needs to be addressed and involved in keeping people housed.
- Success stories and getting your community on the right paths to collaboration.
15:30 EST
60 minHousing Capacity Development on FN
Current issues facing FN when dealing with housing assets
- Code compliance inspection during course of construction to ensure compliance with building code
- Plan reviews before building
- Lack of home inspectors for repair inspections
- Lack of estimating skills
- Lack of project management skills to oversee work that is being done
- Crooked contractors who overcharge or don’t do a good job
- Crooked suppliers who supply crappy materials or overcharge
- Homeowners with a lack of knowledge of basic home maintenance
- Bottomless pit of training / train then leave / back to square one
16:30 EST
Closing Remarks from the Chair
Day Two: Wednesday, March 1, 2023
10:30 EST
15 minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
10:45 EST
60 minHousing & Homelessness Solutions for Urban Indigenous People
- Brief history of the work that Friendship Centre’s do in communities
- Share some of the work the OFIFC does around housing and homelessness
- Overview of specific housing and homelessness issues affecting urban Indigenous people
- Discuss challenges in addressing housing
- Success stories of housing projects and community collaboration
11:45 EST
60 minStep-by-Step Guide to Developing Affordable Housing – Version 2.0
- The Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Affordable Housing is a tool made for groups looking to develop Affordable Housing for their community
- The Guide covers how to develop affordable housing from the very onset of project conception all the way to operations
- The Guide also includes worksheets and templates to help you develop your affordable housing project
- The Guide was recently updated to include more thorough information on sustainability, construction and more
- The update also includes more information on funding, and how organizations of certain sizes would typically handle project development
12:45 EST
45 minBreak
13:30 EST
60 minMold Resistant Homes: Lessons From the Far-North
Lessons from the Far North:
- Lesson 1: Addressing moisture control must be our first priority
- Lesson 2: Air leakage condensation is the primary source of moisture in the far north
- Lesson 3: Building air tightness is the primary defense against air leakage condensation
- Lesson 4: Exterior insulation is an effective defense against air leakage condensation
- Lesson 5: Ventilation is an effective defense against air leakage condensation Bonus
We need better building design and construction quality in the Far North and this will result in higher upfront costs but lower costs in long-term
14:30 EST
60 minWest Coast Housing Solutions
This presentation will cover case studies on building affordable, culturally appropriate and energy efficient homes
15:30 EST
Closing Remarks from the Chair