
Day One: Tuesday, November 5, 2024

10:45 EST

60 min

Where is the Accommodation

  • Conduct comprehensive site evaluations to determine suitable locations for indigenous resource development accommodations.
  • Engage with indigenous communities to gather input and ensure cultural and environmental considerations are prioritized in accommodation planning.
  • Develop strategic partnerships with local stakeholders to facilitate the construction and maintenance of resource development accommodations that meet the needs of indigenous populations.

11:45 EST

60 min
Adam Levine

Aligning Processes for Meaningful Consultation and Regulatory Efficiency for Major Energy and Resource Projects

Adam Levine, Aboriginal Consultation Policy Officer & Team Leader, Indigenous Relations and Participant Funding, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

  • Current trends in the nuclear sector and Indigenous consultation and engagement.
  • Federal and Provincial Government priorities to achieve regulatory efficiency for major projects that contribute to mitigating climate change and reduce emissions (clean energy).
  • Federal priority for meaningful consultation and partnerships with Indigenous Nations and communities and implementing UNDRIP.
  • Best practices and recommendations for ensuring that consultation and engagement processes are meaningful, uphold the honor of the Crown and the principles of UNDRIP, while ensuring the processes are effective and efficient and lead to positive outcomes for all parties.
  • How to support Indigenous Nations and communities in building capacity and knowledge to effectively participate in regulatory review processes for major projects.

12:45 EST

45 min


13:30 EST

60 min
Theo Peters Ashley Shaw

The Role of GIS in Indigenous Community Collaboration

Theo Peters, Director of Consultation, Metis Nation of Alberta

Ashley Shaw, Consultation Program Manager, Metis Nation of Alberta

  • Facilitate informed decision-making by visualizing and analyzing spatial data relevant to Indigenous lands and resources.
  • Enhance communication between Indigenous communities and stakeholders by providing accessible and comprehensible maps and geospatial information.
  • Support the preservation of cultural heritage by documenting and integrating traditional ecological knowledge into GIS databases and applications.

14:30 EST

60 min
Kiran Auger

Navigating Cultural Protocols in Engagement with Indigenous Communities

Kiran Auger, Director of Consultation & Traditional Land Use, Loon River First Nation

  • Prioritize understanding and adhering to indigenous customs and protocols
  • Initiate dialogue to build trust and mutual respect between parties
  • Provide training on cultural protocols to ensure effective engagement
  • Tailor approaches to align with cultural sensitivities and preferences
  • Continuously seek input from indigenous communities to refine consultation processes and enhance cultural inclusivity

15:30 EST

60 min
Brianne Paulin

Strategies for Self-Governance, Economic Development, and Resource Management

Brianne Paulin, Lawyer, Aldridge + Rosling LLP

  • Establish autonomous governance: Empower communities to govern themselves and make decisions independently.
  • Diversify economic ventures: Develop a range of sustainable enterprises to bolster local economies and reduce dependence on resource extraction.
  • Implement resource stewardship: Enact policies to manage natural resources responsibly, preserving them for future generations.
  • Foster entrepreneurship: Support indigenous entrepreneurship through training, funding, and mentorship programs.
  • Strengthen regulatory frameworks: Create robust regulations to ensure fair and environmentally-conscious resource management practices.

16:30 EST

60 min

End of Day One

Day Two: Wednesday, November 6, 2024

10:30 EST

60 min
Adam Kahgee

Towards Reconciliation: Strengthening Partnerships with Indigenous Communities Across Sectors

Adam Kahgee, Director, Indigenous Relations and Business Partnerships, Bruce Power

  • Incorporate indigenous knowledge and values into consultation processes to foster mutual understanding.
  • Empower indigenous communities to actively participate in decision-making through meaningful engagement.
  • Collaborate across sectors to develop inclusive strategies that prioritize indigenous rights and interests.
  • Provide resources and training to both indigenous communities and stakeholders to facilitate effective consultation and engagement.
  • Implement policies and practices that promote cultural sensitivity and respect in all sectors involved in consultation and engagement efforts.

11:30 EST

60 min
Mark Calette

Traditional Land Use Mapping for Indigenous Communities: Why is this Important?

Mark Calette, Senior Director, Indigenous Relations, Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC)

  • Preserve cultural heritage by documenting traditional land use and ensuring its transmission to future generations.
  • Empower Indigenous communities by providing them with tools to assert land rights and participate in land management decisions.
  • Protect biodiversity by integrating traditional ecological knowledge into conservation strategies and sustainable resource management.

12:30 EST

45 min


13:15 EST

60 min
Kate Kempton

Indigenous Consultation in Resource Development Projects

Kate Kempton, Senior Lawyer, Woodward & Company Lawyers LLP

  • Evaluate the potential impacts of resource development projects on indigenous communities.
  • Engage in open and respectful consultations with indigenous stakeholders to address concerns and explore opportunities.
  • Integrate indigenous perspectives and wisdom into project planning and decision-making processes.
  • Work collaboratively to reach agreements that prioritize indigenous rights, interests, and sustainable development goals.
  • Continuously monitor project implementation, solicit feedback, and adapt strategies to ensure ongoing consultation and engagement with indigenous communities.

14:15 EST

60 min
Saul Joseph

Reforms in Indigenous Community Consultation Legislation & Shifting Legal Landscapes

Saul Joseph, Partner & Chair of Indigenous Law Group, Clark Wilson LLP

  • Enhance community engagement by integrating traditional knowledge and practices into consultation processes.
  • Strengthen legal frameworks to ensure meaningful and inclusive participation of Indigenous communities in decision-making.
  • Implement regular reviews and updates to legislation to adapt to evolving legal and cultural landscapes.

15:15 EST

60 min
Sarah Palmer

Building Community Resilience through Resource Development Projects and Partnerships

Sarah Palmer, Director, Environment and Community Consultation, Potentia Renewables Inc.

  • Foster collaborative partnerships with local organizations to enhance community resource networks.
  • Implement sustainable resource development projects that address community-specific needs.
  • Strengthen community engagement and participation through inclusive and transparent decision-making processes.

16:15 EST

60 min

End of Day Two