
Day One: Tuesday, September 24, 2024

10:15 EDT

45 min

Prepare For Critical Changes Now! New Government Directions in an Era of Action – What’s Coming Down the Pipes?

Combatting financial crime, important initiatives like the federal beneficial ownership registry, modernizing oversight of the financial sector, proposed changes in AML legislation.

Prepare for critical changes including:

  • Expected impact of change on your compliance requirements.
  • Establishing priorities.
  • Government of Canada’s strategy to combat money laundering and terrorist financing over the 2023-2026 planning period.
  • Canada Financial Crimes Agency.

11:00 EDT

45 min
Jacqueline Shinfield

Retail Payments Activities Act

Jacqueline Shinfield, Partner, Blakes

Payment service providers (PSP) must implement an operational risk management and incident response framework. The framework must ensure that the PSP is able to perform retail payment activities without reduction, deterioration or breakdown and preserve the integrity and confidentiality of those activities, systems, data, and information.

  • Risk Management and Incident Response Framework.
  • Safeguarding of Funds Framework (Safeguarding Framework).
  • Regulations –
    • Comprehensive and prescriptive compliance regime for PSPs.
    • Significant expenditure of financial and human resources required.
  • Risk Management and Incident Response Framework (Framework) that a registered PSPs must implement.
  • Framework reviews and testing.
  • Fund safeguarding.
  • Provision of information.
  • Record keeping and retention,
  • Administrative monetary penalties.

11:45 EDT

45 min

Be Prepared: New Fintrac Examination Protocols

This session will help you meet the challenges of the new examination protocols including: How FINTRAC conducts its compliance examinations; How FINTRAC will assess whether you have implemented and maintained a compliance program that adequately meets all of the legal requirements, and finally; Help you prepare for a FINTRAC examination. Topics will include:

  • Examination framework and phases.
  • Assessment methods.
  • Compliance program requirements.
  • Client identification and other know your client requirements.
  • Financial transactions reporting requirements.
  • Record keeping requirements.

12:30 EDT

60 min


13:30 EDT

45 min

Key Updates: Parliamentary Review of AML Legislation

  • The process.
  • Anticipated outcomes.
  • How industry is involved.

14:15 EDT

45 min
Stephen Sargeant Joseph Iuso Jennifer Arnold

The Latest AI Financial Crime Tactics & How to Use AI in the Fight Against Money Laundering

Moderator: Stephen Sargeant, Crypto Compliance Consultant, Airdropd

Joseph Iuso, Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, KYC2020

Jennifer Arnold, Co-founder and CEO, MinervaAI

Learn how various crime groups are leveraging new technologies like AI and how organizations under attack are fighting back. Find out how to use artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics to detect suspicious activities more efficiently by analyzing large volumes of data and identifying patterns indicative of money laundering.

15:00 EDT

15 min


15:15 EDT

45 min
Charles Gonzales

Requirements for Managing Client and Other Business Relationships: Enhanced Due Diligence & Risk Assessment

Charles Gonzales, Senior Manager, Enterprise AML Policies and Regulatory Initiatives, RBC

Increased regulatory pressures governing Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) procedures, and ongoing due diligence in respect of their clients and various banking relationships including taking reasonable measures:

  • Prior to entering into a relationship,
  • Conducting risk assessments and
  • Ongoing monitoring.

16:00 EDT

45 min
Andres Betancourt Karene Creen Rodney MacInnes

Effectiveness Testing of Your AML/CTF Compliance Regime

Andres Betancourt, Senior Audit Manager, AML/ATF & Sanctions, Scotiabank

Karene Creen, Bank of China - CAMLO

Rodney MacInnes, COO & AML Compliance Ninja, Outlier Compliance Group

Institutions must ensure their Compliance Programs function as designed and meet regulatory expectations. To ensure such, company’s must test AML program documentation and AML operations/procedures.

  • Internal testing and quality insurance
  • Independent 2-year reviews

16:45 EDT

End of Day One

Day Two: Wednesday, September 25, 2024

10:15 EDT

45 min
John Boscariol

Mitigating Sanctions Compliance and Enforcement Risk in the Face of Geopolitical Instability

John Boscariol, Leader, International Trade and Investment Law Group, McCarthy Tetrault

Addressing the compliance and KYC imperative as economic sanctions have become governments’ new “go to” measure

  • Overview of the sanctions compliance and enforcement regimes.
  • Obligations to freeze assets, reporting to RCMP, prohibitions against dealings and facilitation.
  • Key differences between Canadian and other (US, UK, EU) measures.

“Fallout” and lessons learned from Russia sanctions

  • New and emerging issues.
    • Determining whether you can do business with entities who may be owned or controlled by sanctioned persons.
    • Interpreting Canada’s new “deemed ownership rule”.
    • Responding to new information demands from Global Affairs Canada.
    • New government seizure and ascertained forfeiture powers over property of sanctioned persons.
    • New FINTRAC “sanctions evasion” reporting obligations.
  • Dealing with inconsistencies and conflicts among the sanctions regimes of Canada and its allies.
  • Strategies for addressing compliance challenges in an environment of no government guidance.
  • Preparing for the next major sanctions target – China.

11:00 EDT

45 min
Carrie Chai

Flag Human Trafficking with Data and Analytics – Are You Prepared to Comply with Rigorous New Legislation?

Carrie Chai, Model Development, Enterprise Risk Management, EQ Bank

Human trafficking and modern slavery are happening across Canada. The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, 2023 (Modern Slavery Act) has brought forward significant reporting obligations. This session will help you understand modern slavery, identify risks in the supply chain and implement policies, processes and monitoring to detect and avoid forced labour to comply with the new legislation.

  • Detecting human trafficking.
  • Key indicators for victims and traffickers.
  • Leveraging tools to detect patterns of behaviour.

11:45 EDT

45 min
Amber Scott David Coffey Stephen Scott

What you Need to Know About the Intersection of Fraud and AML - Fighting the Fraud Epidemic

Moderator: Amber Scott

David Coffey, Financial Crimes Unit, Toronto Police Service

Stephen Scott, Civil Forfeiture Liaison Officer, Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT)

Statistically, almost half of Canadians have acknowledged being victims of fraud (so the real number is likely higher).

  • What are the fraud trends?
  • Complex and evolving security threats.
  • How are we fighting back?
  • How can industry better support the fight?

12:30 EDT

60 min


13:30 EDT

45 min
Charlene Cieslik Mike Fawcett Adrienne Vickery

Danger Signs and Complexities Encountered by Crypto Compliance Professionals: Critical Compliance Challenges Within the Digital Asset Realm

Charlene Cieslik, CAMS, Chief Compliance Officer, Localcoin

Mike Fawcett, Crown Counsel, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General

Adrienne Vickery, Supt. Director, Financial Crime, Federal Policing Criminal Operations

The rise of cryptocurrencies and virtual assets presents new challenges for AML efforts. While some cryptocurrencies offer greater privacy and anonymity, others, like Bitcoin, are increasingly subject to regulatory oversight. Regulators are focusing on implementing measures to ensure that virtual asset service providers (VASPs) comply with AML regulations.

  • Challenges
  • Are there solutions?
  • Best practices

14:15 EDT

45 min
Trevor Loke

What’s Missing in Canada’s Approach to Financial Crime

Trevor Loke, Executive Director, Transparency International Canada

Experts estimate that housing prices in British Columbia are 3.7 per cent to 7.5 per cent higher than they would be in the absence of money laundering. Canada’s anti-bribery enforcement rate has been called “exceedingly low;” There is a general lack of detailed statistics on foreign bribery detection sources, mutual legal assistance, and enforcement to allow Canada, to assess the effectiveness of efforts to combat foreign bribery.

  • Level of perceived corruption.
  • Canada’s role in globalization of corruption – Why is Canada considered a safe haven for corrupt actors to launder?
  • Types of corruption including bribery, diversion of public funds and more.
  • Need for effective prosecution of corruption cases, adequate legal frameworks, access to information, and legal protections for whistleblowers, journalists and investigators.

15:00 EDT

15 min


15:15 EDT

45 min

Private Public Partnerships and Project Shadow

Project Shadow is one of a number of public-private partnership initiatives. Supported by Canadian law enforcement agencies, Fintac, Financial Institutions and Canadian Centre for Child Protection, the objective of the project was to improve the collective understanding of the threat, and to improve the detection of the facilitation and laundering of the proceeds from online child sexual exploitation. Find out:

  • The context and rationale for development of the project
    • Challenges
    • Solutions
    • Effectiveness
    • Impact on the scope of the problem.

16:00 EDT

End of Day Two

Optional Workshop: Thursday, September 26, 2024

10:00 EDT

180 min

Economic Sanctions Compliance Risks and Challenges

Russia Sanctions Global Due Diligence and Screening to Detect Sophisticated Schemes

As Russia digs deeper to evade controls, are you prepared for the largest sanctions and export control regime in history?

  • Best practices for more effective due diligence screening and compliance processes to prevent evasion.
  • Forfeiture to fund the reconstruction of Ukraine.
  • Flagging new schemes.
  • Recent prosecution and enforcement actions.

FINTRAC Reporting Obligations

  • Changes to FINTRAC reporting forms.
  • Sanctions – due diligence procedures.
  • Red flags for high-risk sanctions evasion.

Export Controls and Economic Sanctions

  • Supply chain and third-party due diligence.
  • Components of an effective, risk-based sanctions and export compliance program.
  • New red flags.

Complying with New Deemed Ownership Rule under SEMA and the Magnitsky Law

  • Significant amendments to Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA).
  • Ownership and control rules.
  • Expanded due diligence into counterparties that might be owned or controlled by sanctioned parties.
  • Challenges related to complying with new amendments.

Expanding Sanctions and Export Controls on China

Update on Canada’s Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Regime: Opportunities and Practical Challenges

Impact of Recent Cases on Financial Institutions and Multinationals Operating in Canada

  • Canada’s significant new powers under SEMA (Special Economic Measures Act) amendments.
  • Key developments on seizure and forfeiture of assets.
  • Challenges related to implementation of the new powers.
  • Prospects for using proceeds for the reconstruction of the Ukraine.
    • Enforcement priorities.
    • Important enforcement cases.
    • How to mitigate liability risks.

Vetting and Monitoring Third Parties: Your Supply Chain and Business Partners in Russia, China

Canada’s Modern Slavery Act and Economic Sanctions

This Act came into force Jan. 1, 2024.
The Options: Strengthen processes or face stiff penalties, heavy fines, or criminal prosecution.

  • Canada’s Modern Slavery Act, Bill S-211.
  • Preventing violations across the supply chain and trade operations, including goods within and into Canada.
  • Strengthening and monitoring human rights due diligence policies.
  • Enhancing remedy and mitigation measures.
  • Reducing the risk of forced labour in the supply chain.