After a lengthy process of debate and consultation, we are on the cusp of implementation of Open Banking in Canada. This Infonex event will deep-dive into the most important and complex technical, regulatory, and ethical challenges involved in creating a secure and effective open banking ecosystem. You will leave with the insights you need for success including:

  • Where we are with new legislation.
  • How FINTECHS can develop the level of trust necessary for consumers to participate in the new eco-system.
  • Meeting needs and standards for data ownership, consent management, identity verification & authentication, certification & accreditation, trust & security protocols.
  • Using data to provide consumers with attractive personalized products.
  • How banks will maintain trust in their services while changing and innovating.
  • Strong governance structures and information for the protection of the board, officers and directors.
  • Anticipated role of agencies like the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) and provincial regulators in consumer protection to ensure consumer confidence and trust in open banking:
  • Global interoperability with foreign open banking systems.
  • How open banking can generate revenue.

Take a few moments to review this important agenda and register immediately for the information and insights that will ensure your success in the coming months and years.