Day One: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
10:30 EDT
15 minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
Erica Fleck, Director, Emergency Management and Community Safety, Halifax Regional Municipality
10:45 EDT
60 minCultural Resilience: Strengthening Emergency Preparedness in Indigenous Communities
Kellyann Meloche, Senior Manager, Disaster Risk Management, Canadian Red Cross (Kahnawake, Quebec)
- Promote traditional knowledge exchange
- Facilitate community-led training initiatives
- Establish culturally sensitive emergency response protocols
- Foster intergenerational communication and collaboration
- Engage in cultural preservation efforts alongside preparedness measures
11:45 EDT
60 minCommunity Preparedness – Why is it so important?
Erica Fleck, Director, Emergency Management and Community Safety, Halifax Regional Municipality
- What does it mean to be prepared
- Must be prepared as an individual first
- Community cohesion and why it’s important
- How to help each other
12:45 EDT
45 minBreak
13:30 EDT
60 minFire Safety in Northern Communities
- Implement Winter Heating Inspections
- Enforce Strategic Snow Removal
- Establish Wildfire Preparedness Programs
14:30 EDT
60 minClimate and Emergencies: Beyond Environmental Impacts
- The presentation will explore how a changing climate is impacting environmental emergencies, infectious diseases, and the public health impacts of these.
- Using case studies, the role of climate change in the frequency, intensity, and nature of emergencies will be examined.
- Considerations for public health, including the importance of a resilient healthcare system, will be demonstrated, including the need for a foundational Indigenous-led approach to wellness.
15:30 EDT
60 minFirst Nations Health Authority – Supporting Interior Region Communities through the 2023 Wildfires
- Overview of the FNHA Health Emergency Management response structure
- Overview of community impacts throughout the Summer 2023
- FNHA supports at emergency support service reception centers
- Other FNHA community supports
- Continued advocacy work and next steps
16:30 EDT
Closing Remarks from the Chair
Day Two: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
10:30 EDT
minWelcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
Erica Fleck, Director, Emergency Management and Community Safety, Halifax Regional Municipality
10:30 EDT
60 minBringing the Manitoba Health System Together to Support First Nations Wildfire Evacuations
- The complexities of First Nation evacuations in Manitoba
- Challenges with timely access to evacuee health information
- Leveraging the Incident Command System to support a coordinated response
- Ensuring the continuity of health services post-evacuation
- Lessons learned from First Nations evacuations
11:30 EDT
60 minHealth: The Forgotten and Minimalized Role in Emergency Management and Planning
- Beyond the Emergency Medical Services & Day to Day
- Social Determinants of Health
- Bracing the Pillars of Emergency Management
- Emergency Social Services and…so what?
12:30 EDT
45 minBreak
13:15 EDT
60 minCultivating Resilience: Training and Capacity Building for Emergency Preparedness in Indigenous Communities
Jeremiah Louis, Fire Chief, Takla Nation (Vernon, British Columbia)
- Foster strategic alliances with key stakeholders in the community
- Implement hands-on exercises to strengthen joint response capabilities
- Establish communication channels to share resources and information
14:15 EDT
60 minHow DOTC Adapts the Incident Command System to Prepare for Community Emergencies
Maeengan Linklater, Director Of Operations, Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
- The Importance of Planning Within
- The Utilization of Emergency Planning Tools
- Taking Stock on What You Have
- Believing in Yourself, Team, and Community
- Getting Things Done
15:15 EDT
Closing Remarks from the Chair