Receive the best, most up-to-date information, insights and practical strategies from the most experienced pay equity practitioners in the country:

  • All-new special morning session!
  • Mitigate consequences of missed deadlines!
  • Learn how to apply to the Pay Equity Commissioner
    • for more time to post and file your pay equity plan,
    • for an extension of time to phase in increases in compensation.

Catch Up! Get Back On Track – Complete Your Plan As Quickly As Possible

  • Anticipate the long and short-term impact of pay equity on current and future practices.
  • See the big picture to understand where each step in the pay equity process fits.
  • Grasp the principles underpinning proactive pay equity.
  • Learn why it’s an uphill battle to get permission for more than one plan.
  • Understand how job classes drive complexity of implementation and financial outcomes.
  • Learn about a fast, alternative method of valuing work called policy capturing.
  • Know what you have to calculate and how to perform the calculation to determine differences in compensation between job classes of equal value.
  • Select a wage gap methodology to redress wage discrimination without disrupting existing compensation models.
  • Effectively communicate the contents of your plan.